A while back, I wrote that some of the Barter gravestones in the Waterville Cemetery were in bad shape and asked for donations to erect a marker for all those buried there. Here's the plaque that so many family members -- and kind friends of Bill Kyle who donated in his memory -- generously supported and it's now in place. Thank you all!
It just so happens that I also found out about a team of gravestone restorers, Barry and Mark Nelson who are father and son from Hillsborough NB. When I met Mark at the graveyard to look at the five stones that need attention, I found out that we're related through "Nels" Kyle (she was christened Olive Nelson) who was married to Bill Kyle's uncle Don!
Since I published the original piece about the poor condition of the gravestones some years ago, someone had reinforced them with wooden stakes so that they were more upright. But the five fragile markers now have been cleaned and properly remounted in cement... and look wonderful! (See bottom photo.)